Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mr. San Cho Lee

For Orientation Ho'ike some students will be singing Mr. San Cho Lee to teach about what they have learned. Here are the words.

DOE Vision for Students

I was researching the vision of the DOE for students and thought it might be advantageous to post it for review.

Here is the part I thought was most beneficial:

It reads:
Our vision of a Hawaii high school graduate is that all public school graduates will:

- Realize their individual goals and aspirations;
- Possess the attitudes, knowledge and skills necessary to contribute positively and compete in a global society;
- Exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship; and
- Pursue post-secondary education and/or careers without need for remediation.

This is what the diagram looks like in complete form:

Monday, August 11, 2008

How to Make Pie Charts

You can click this link to learn more about making pie charts in Microsoft Excel:


Our students made a pie chart of their intelligences on the second day of school. Here are some examples:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

'Ohana 5 & 6 Field Trip Aug 5 2008

Mele o ke kai and Onipa'a (Aunty Cristi and Kumu Starr's 'Ohana's) toured Hawai'i's Plantation Village in efforts to better understand the various cultural groups that came to Hawai'i to work on the sugar plantations.

Our tour guides mentioned that our students were very respectful and attentive. Mahalo students!

Here are some pictures of the visit, enjoy!